Mail's Here!

The UPS man just dropped off a package. What could it be? Penguin Package

Oh my! Let us see what's inside. Could it be... illustration proofs? Why, it is!

Grandmothers proofs

Okay, okay, so I knew these were coming, but I didn't know they'd look so great! Before it sounds like I'm patting myself on the back here, I should point out that the lovely Trish Parcell at Random House cleaned up my pen-and-ink illustrations so that they would nice and crisp. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out.

grandmothers proofs

Charlie and the Grandmothers comes out everywhere books are sold on August 4th. But you can pre-order it from Amazon and many other retailers now.



Tell Me a Grandmother Story!

Pre-Order Charlie and the Grandmothers The release date for Charlie and the Grandmothers is five months away! You'll be seeing a lot more info about the book as the weeks go by. In the mean time, we all know some scary (and nice) old lady stories. Maybe there was a spooky spinster on your block. Maybe you have a favorite urban legend. Maybe your own grandmother was suspicious! Or maybe you ARE a scary old lady! ;-) Share your stories with me in the comments here or on Facebook.

Happy V-Day & More!

Look what I got from the super cool guys whose songs I used in The Mockingbird Song! Fernwood - Arcadia

I'm absolutely loving it so far, too. If you liked the music in Mockingbird, this one will knock your socks off. If you're not wearing socks, then put some on first and go check out Fernwood's latest, Arcadia.

And I don't know if you noticed the date on this post, but, well, it's Valentine's Day. And you know what that means. Time for the annual tradition of making Cupid face his own arrows. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!