New Store + Make your own Sad Stock Model

Sad Stock Guy photo
Sad Stock Guy photo

I recently relaunched my shop, and trust me–it's so much better, and you should check it out. There are kinds of new things. New colors, new designs, hoodies, totes. Good stuff. The fun part is, all my wearables are now produced by Printful, a service with a handy mockup tool that includes the saddest stock model.

Look at that guy. Why's he so sad? I don't know. Maybe he needs a hug. But the best part is, Printful gives you a version of Sad Stock Model with a transparent background. So I've placed him in more appropriate settings.


I could do this all day! Now you can, too, if you have a photo editing tool.

Go download Sad Stock Guy here:

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Then go find a background image. There are great resources for this. I happen to like Pexels a lot. Share your creations on Facebook or wherever! Just, you know, don't do anything totally gross. I mean, I can't stop you, but just remember that I write books for kids, too.

Don't have time for this fiddle-faddle?Go shopping instead!