Merry Christmas to all tomorrow, and to all a good fright! (Download here)
We Wish You a Skary Christmas
What's the one thing you want for Christmas more than anything? Well, I'm afraid I can't give you a unicorn that transforms into the Batmobile on command, but I can give you the next best thing: a signed copy of Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow! All you have to do is comment on my Facebook or Google+, OR follow and tweet @katytowell on Twitter, telling me why you want this book. You can enter to win it for yourself or gift it to someone you love! Send your comments today through Christmas Eve (until 11:59pm Pacific, December 24th)! The (one) winner will be picked and announced some time on Christmas Day. The contest is open to anyone in any country, and the book will be mailed to the winner after the announced winner sends me his/her/their giftee's mailing address. Happy holidays from the Childrin!
New Shop!
Your Christmas shopping just got easier! (That is if everyone you know enjoys the antics of creepy little children who missed a few of the ten commandments during their lessons. Which, of course, everyone does.) Click here for new prints, old prints, greeting cards, and a 2010 update of the Leading Ladies calendar (now featuring Ida and the Plague Kid)!
Note: all orders are handled by either ImageKind or Lulu, so shipping and all that should be fairly quick. If you need customer support, they're the ones who can help.
It's all Skary!
My drawing hands are flying busily as I work on Mockingbird to get it ready in time for its Halloween Christmas debut. In the mean time, remember the collage? Here's the state of it so far. You're all surrounded by a lot of creepy things (and people), you know that? ;-) I especially like the eggs:
The Christmas Cartoon
This one's going to be a little different from past cartoons. I just don't think the usual jelly-bean eyes and limited color scheme will do Shawnee Jenkins' story justice. But I think it'll be a refreshing change of pace, and I hope you'll all like it! There will also be a few slight revisions to the original story now that I've had time to polish it. Well, I have to have some surprises for those of you who've heard it already! Not to worry, though - it'll still be the Mockingbird Song you asked for. :)