the mockingbird song

That music!

I'm not too modest to say that I think the tracks I picked out for The Mockingbird Song soundtrack are pretty fantastic, but I had nothing to do with their creation. I just found them, thought, "Oh my gosh, that's IT!" and bought the licenses to use them. That means I can't give them to you for free, but I have good news! You can get them for yourself! And please do; independent artists can always use your support.

Those artists are Gayle Ellett and Todd Montgomery--aka Fernwood--and the tracks in question are "Cimarron" and "Mistral," both of which can be found on their truly beautiful album, Sangita. You can pick Sangita up at CD Baby or iTunes. Enjoy!


Because True Blood isn't on yet.

Update 2/14/10: Technical problems. I know. Again. The day I can publish a cartoon without issue is the day the Earth stands still. But I'm working on the problem and will post Mockingbird just as soon as I'm able.

Update 2/17/10: This has been one doozie of a technical problem. I've sent the file off to someone who's good at figuring out why things break, and I hope to have a mended animation to show you soon. My apologies!

Some 'Mockingbird' Questions Answered

Two days until The Mockingbird Song! It's been a couple of years since my last long cartoon (Ida's Luck Part 2), so I'm very excited to show it off. I've been getting a few questions about it since I initially announced it, so here are a few of those answers:

  • I'm narrating it this time.
  • It's based on a Sixcast episode I wrote and recorded a few months ago; many of you may already be familiar with it. I've taken the recording down for now so that you'll have some time to forget it!
  • As mentioned previously, there are a few slight changes in the story. They are minor, but they're important without drastically changing the one you already liked.
  • It's ten minutes long! Whew!
  • It's very different from a typical Skary cartoon. Still sad and spooky (I hope), but Shawnee Jenkins is a fairly normal Kansas eight-year-old considering that, well... you'll see what I mean. ;-)
  • Those of you with young children who are also fans (yay!), I would hold off on showing them this one until you've seen it first. There's some violence and gore. Granted, it's very stylish gore with a retro look to it and all, but vintage entrails are still entrails.
  • Can anyone embroider? I would love a throw pillow that said "Vintage entrails are still entrails."

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

A Glimpse from Mockingbird

Today's 31 Days of Halloween will be up this afternoon! In the mean time, check out a couple of pics from The Mockingbird Song:

doorway into the cellar

Shawnee's kitchen. Tasty.

I'd show you more, but I want some of it to be a surprise! Also, because Shawnee Jenkins isn't quite like the other Skary kids, the animation style on Mockingbird will be different from what you're used to. It's going to be in full color, and I'm giving it a little bit of retro styling, too. I've also taken down the original recording for now. Some slight changes have been made to the first version, and you'll be glad you saw/heard the new one with fresh eyes and ears. Yes, it's a sweet story with a lot of blood. I mean hearts. I mean... oh, you know.

It's all Skary!

My drawing hands are flying busily as I work on Mockingbird to get it ready in time for its Halloween Christmas debut. In the mean time, remember the collage? Here's the state of it so far. You're all surrounded by a lot of creepy things (and people), you know that? ;-) I especially like the eggs:

Things that remind you (and me) of Skary

The Christmas Cartoon

The Mockingbird Song

This one's going to be a little different from past cartoons. I just don't think the usual jelly-bean eyes and limited color scheme will do Shawnee Jenkins' story justice. But I think it'll be a refreshing change of pace, and I hope you'll all like it! There will also be a few slight revisions to the original story now that I've had time to polish it. Well, I have to have some surprises for those of you who've heard it already! Not to worry, though - it'll still be the Mockingbird Song you asked for. :)