skary-net goes mobile!

Hey there, phone-handy people! Starting today, you'll see a different version of the site that's simpler and easier to navigate when you visit from your web-enabled phone type device. It's not the fanciest thing in the world, but, well, that's sort of the point. If you find you'd rather browse the full site instead of the mobile version, just scroll down to the footer any time and click "switch to full site." You can always switch back, too. I can't guarantee it'll work flawlessly on every phone, but it'll get you where you need to go. And, of course, where you need to go is (I should totally sell used cars.) Mobile Edition


Question-and-Answer Time

Happy Sunday evening, everybody. I hope you're sitting at your desk with a cup of black tea, your computer, and some Billie Holiday. But if you're not, that's all right. I'll carry the responsibility this time. (But next time....) As you know, I recently relaunched! There's new art on the way, a very short animation in the works, and I'm in the middle of a couple of writing projects as well. That doesn't mean I've neglected my inbox, of course. Without further delay, here are a few of the questions I've gotten over the past week:

I love love love your drawings and movies. The illustration titled "Midnight Snack" I adore. Nosferatu, am I right? - LF

You are correct! "Midnight Snack" is a parody of a famous scene from F.W. Murnau's 1922 film Nosferatu, which I admit I don't watch very often because it gives me nightmares.

hey hey hey! its FAT ALBERT have u bought your candy for halloween i hope so cuz i'll be there to eat it all! - Fat Albert

All right. You do that. But I'd put on my running shoes if I were you.

I have all of these dreams that turn into cartoons than into great question is how to get started into the way of creating movies as you? It has always been my dream to do so, I have the artistic talent but no idea how to start. -W

Well, I use Flash for animating my cartoons, and a lot of practice. There are so many people better at it than I, but they'd probably say the same thing: learn the software and practice your heart out. After that, post your creation everywhere and wait for feedback! Even negative feedback is immensely helpful. Your start might be a slow one, but don't lose heart! And good luck.

I have a quick question though, what happened to the movie 'Stage Fright' ? Where the girl flips out because everyone's staring at her (i'm sure you know that, being it's creator an all, lol) .. I can't seem to find it anywhere. -C

I sort of... well... took it down. It was my very first animation effort, and I've never been especially proud of it. But if you'd like to see it anyway, it's here.

i love your website, its really great. and im just thinking that if i could promote your web (i dont need to be pay) with some labels to put on my blog or anything i could do to promote yor web i really like to do it. - L

That's not a bad idea, L. I'm pleased as punch whenever anyone wants to promote my site, and you're all free to do so however you wish! But if you would like something more official, here are a few for you:

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