The book launch for Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow at Metropolis Books last night was amazing! Not only did Metropolis sell totally out of books in a flash, but I got to meet and chat with a bunch of you that I've previously only seen online. It was wonderful to see your faces out there, knowing you made it despite the unforgivable heat outside and the distance some of you drove to get there. I'm only sorry the books were all gone before the rest of you were able to pick up a copy! If you didn't already place an order with Julie at Metropolis Books for yours, I believe you can still do so (but hurry - our beloved Metropolis is shutting its doors after September), or - for those of you who aren't quite so local - check with your nearest bookstore or order online. I have a few pictures from the event that I'm still putting together, but I had to go ahead and post this one because it makes me look like Count(ess) Orlok (taken by my friend Ashley with her phone). Check out my twin in the background there.
Oh my gosh! One week until you-know-what!
Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow is almost here! Just one more week! If you haven't stopped by your favorite book store to ask about it yet (in Los Angeles, I recommend Metropolis Books, Skylight Books, and Children's Book World. Search for other indie book stores near you here) go ye forth! Or pre-order it on Amazon. There are a zoozillion other places you can find it, too. (I counted.)
Speaking of Los Angeles, don't forget! You can meet me and listen to me read and also get a book signed on Saturday, August 27th, 5pm at Metropolis Books!
Holy cow. Just another week until this thing is out. It's kind of hard to believe. But not so very hard because I've been practicing.
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LOS ANGELES Book Launch Party at Metropolis Books
Los Angeles people! Come and see me at Metropolis Books downtown at 5pm, Saturday, August 27th! 440 S. Main Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 Metropolis is a lovely little book store, and it's easy to reach via the red line to Pershing Square if navigating downtown on your own isn't your cup of tea (and there will be cups of tea at the event, now that I mention it).