The store is back ( and so am I! )

After some technical problems, I had to put my shop on hiatus. But that's all fixed up now, and there's a new store with new t-shirts and mugs! Yes, it's short a few of the items that were previously available, but those items may return at a later date. Better still is that prices are a bit lower now, too! What are you waiting for? Go get your glow-in-the-dark El Despertar tees! And while you're at it, check out the new Death tees and hoodies. I think they're pretty clever if I don't say so myself. And speaking of things you can buy, I'm now for sale, too! Wait, that sounds wrong. I mean that my web and graphic design services (and maybe some illustration and animation) are now available. Many of you have asked, and I've always had to decline due to time constraints. My time's a bit more open now that I'm a free (well, not free) agent again. You can see my portfolio here.

Also of note: I've been working on an easier way for you to upload your fan art, but I'm now considering starting a new forum right here on so that people who dislike Facebook and G+ or who are below the age threshold for those sites have a place they can go to talk about all things Skary or just get to know each other. Here there would be a fan art board where you could upload to your heart's delight. This will, of course, need moderators! And that's where you come in.

I'll need a handful of moderators to cover the various time zones of board members. Your job will be to keep the place sane and free from abuse and spam. Moderators who hang around long enough and prove their awesomeness will sometimes get free things!

If you're interested in volunteering as a moderator, please fill out the form below! I can't pick everyone, so if you're not selected, please know it's not because I don't like you. ;-)

[gravityform id=3 name=ContactKaty ajax=true]