One question I get a lot is, "How can I support your work?" I usually suggest purchasing a book or a t-shirt, or simply spreading the word (all of which are still great ways!). But now I have a direct way for you to support my videos and podcast episodes: Patreon!
Making stuff can be costly. There are software licenses to maintain, music licenses to buy, and time that would otherwise be spent freelancing just for starters. Your contributions help tremendously (and also remind me to keep on top of my projects).
By becoming a Patreon patron, you help fund my creation expenses, but you also get goodies from me! Contributions start at $1 per month, and the rewards get better with each level. To start, you get to see sketches and screenshots the public don't get to see, and you'll have access to ad-free high-res versions of each video. The higher level patrons will receive sketches from animations in the mail each month; they'll get drawing and writing lessons monthly too!
Of course, there's also the warm, fuzzy feeling of supporting someone you like. ;) If you'd like to help fund Skary, click the button below. Thanks so much to my current patrons!