
Sandy vs. Halloween

I know that trick-or-treating is the least of everyone's worries in the areas ravaged by the superstorm Sandy, but it's nevertheless a letdown for kids who won't be able to go anywhere fun on Halloween. If you're from a community affected by Sandy and have children aged twelve and under, please contact me by November 1st! I'll send a little treat (not candy but other fun little things) to your kids when and where mail can safely be delivered. Info we're going to need to make this happen:

  • Your name and a mailing address (please let me know if this address is okay to receive small packages at now)
  • Your kids' ages (so that they get age-safe treats)
  • Optional: your kids' first names (I'd like to personalize their treats if possible)

Obviously, you won't receive your treats in time for Halloween, but everything will go out in the mail some time in November, depending on how long it takes to put packages together and when mail delivery has fully resumed. Better late than never, right?

If you'd like to help Sandy victims, the American Red Cross is taking donations!