
Reminders and things!

Don't forget to pop by Tinychat tonight for an e-reading from Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow and a chat with me! All you need is a Tinychat account and a way to listen in. You can participate in the chat via webcam, mic, or text-chat! And while we're talking reminders, here are some more places to find me:

And places to find my book:

Speaking of the book, check out the latest fan art I got! Aw, Phillip. And sandwiches! Good job, Zoe. And that reminds me that I may have to do a book-related fan art contest soon. Been a while since I had a contest, hasn't it?


Oh my gosh! One week until you-know-what!

Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow is almost here! Just one more week! If you haven't stopped by your favorite book store to ask about it yet (in Los Angeles, I recommend Metropolis Books, Skylight Books, and Children's Book World. Search for other indie book stores near you here) go ye forth! Or pre-order it on Amazon. There are a zoozillion other places you can find it, too. (I counted.)

Speaking of Los Angeles, don't forget! You can meet me and listen to me read and also get a book signed on Saturday, August 27th, 5pm at Metropolis Books!

Holy cow. Just another week until this thing is out. It's kind of hard to believe. But not so very hard because I've been practicing.

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I made it to a list!

Good job, you guys! Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow is currently #66 on Amazon's bestsellers for "children's spine-chilling horror." That list updates every hour, so it probably won't stay there. But here's a screenshot from earlier! (And here's where you can order your own.)

Update: as of 11:11 AM, it's now #28 on that list!

Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow